Power of Thoughts !!!

Few people think what they think they think.
Do you know what you think about? The answer is revealed by the life you lead.if you are happy and successful, you are thinking thoughts of happiness and success, if you are wading through an endless stream of problems and doubt, failure anger helplessness, incompetence and pain in other words whether you think life is miserable or great you’r correct for life is whatever you think it is.
1.Facing disaster : we face one disaster after another,it reinforces the false belief that the cause of our suffering is external events .Be careful not to get caught up in this lie.The problem lies within it is your thoughts and you can change your thoughts for better positive thoughts lead to positive feelings,positive behavior,positive consequences, positive beliefs,and a positive life.
2.life of negativity: when you are used to live a life of negativity any advice you get may appear more like salt in the wound than a help. it may appear to you that the only thing your friends are interested in is in blaming you for your unfortunate circumstances. Because you interpret offers of help as personal attacks, you will resist and fight any thoughts that you are responsible and that you can change instead of changing yourself, you will insist that the world change for you which it will not The result is endless frustration with no progress in sight.

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts . But once mastered , no one can help you as much “ Buddha (568 - 488 BC)
“ A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it . very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking” Marcus Aurelius (121 - 180 AD)
“There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so” William shake spear (1564 -1616)
Negative thoughts build a prison positive thoughts build a comfortable home. But beware of intruders in your home beware of a home invasion When a sudden disaster strikes, don’t let negative thoughts ransack your home don’t allow these intruders to steal your happiness Chase uninvited guests out of your home (mind).
There are only three conditions necessary for the acquisition of any physical skill Mental power Moral virtue or Personal excellence The courage to try something you do not know how to do the PATIENCE to try again it and the PERSEVERANCE to renew the trail as many times as necessary until you do know how to do it .


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