How Law of attraction works ??

The Law of Attraction is a very difficult concept to actually apply unless you have someone whose successfully performed it instruct you on how to do so step by step.
If you don’t know what the Law of Attraction is, it just really states that you attract that on which you most focus. The obvious corollary to the Law of Attraction is the advice to focus on the things you want more of in your life – that you should spend more time thinking about what you wish to attract into your life than what you don't like.
How does law of attraction work? Is it real?
This Law is much simpler than any other laws you might’ve heard of - if you want to achieve something don’t waste your efforts to aggressively chase for it, instead focus most of your energy on becoming the person towards which that thing will be attracted to.
This is of course, all a matter of perspective. What I will describe as becoming the type of person towards which a thing will be attracted, some might view as an aggressive pursuit of a goal. Therefore, the importance is all placed on how you approach your desires - what your mentality is. As long as you think of things from the right angle, it doesn’t matter how it might look like from the outside. You will get results.
Have you ever noticed that the more desperately you wish for something, the more it seems to slip away?
Lets imagine for a moment that you want more exciting friends. What are you to do about this?
One option is to desperately start searching for people who are more exciting. You look for them everywhere, maybe you even meet a few. You try to hit it off with them, but things don’t go as planned. And the more you become obsessed with this goal, the more you lose touch with your current friends. Soon you are left with no friends at all, let alone any exciting friends. The plan has backfired.
The other option is that you approach your desire from the perspective of the Law of Attraction. Instead of desperately searching for more exciting friends, you think, ’How do I become a person, whom exciting people will want to befriend?’ And make no mistake, if you don’t have exciting friends already, then you are almost certainly not one yourself. So the way to get to you goal becomes, ’I should be more exciting myself’, instead of ’I should be searching harder for exciting people’.
Perhaps the main benefit of the Law of Attraction is the feelings it creates. Adopting this mentality will make you more peaceful. You don’t have to feel as if you are sprinting, chasing after what you want. Instead, you are slowly progressing to the version of yourself, when that thing will come on its own. You don’t have to worry, you just have to work and wait. You just have to be deserving.
So, you begin doing more exciting things. You open up your shell and talk to more people randomly. You experiment more. You have more fun. You join a club. You start doing an outdoors activity. You go to places where exciting people go. You become deserving of those people. Soon, you will see that they start finding you.
Once you align to the things you want, the opportunities will appear and you will be there, waiting. Waiting to seize the moment.


  1. Nice one... mainly on the part that the more we chase something the more it slips us by. Thinking positive

    1. Thank you very much for sparing your time to read this Article .There are more to come please keep update with this site !!


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