How important is sense of humor in one's life?

Life need not always be serious and boring. it can be filled with light heartedness and humour. During some of the most testing times of our lives, it's our sense of humour that comes to the rescue.
An attitude that allows you to laugh at your mistakes and make jokes out of past failure goes a long way in keeping things in perspective.sense of humour tells so much more about a person and his mental attitude
It says that heknows that seriousness is only a small part of life. It says that he is fun to be with and he is so much more than what he appears to be.
A good sense of humour can win you friends, can help you solve problems, can make life easy and enjoyable. A good sense of humor is probably the best weapon to possess to tackle negativity and cynicism.
We are here but a short period of time, what else can be more important than exchanging laughter. All our serious desires get accomplished if we can work towards them sincerely.
We don't have to show everybody that we are serious about something.if we know it within us, it is more than enough. Let us look at those who are keeping things light and enjoyable around us with a sense of admiration and appreciation.
It takes a pure and clean soul to make others laugh. If service is what we are here for then those spreading laughter are doing the greatest of service on a laughter note, rest in peace all those serious souls who have forgotten how to laugh.
So, sense of humor in one's life is important.

Can we increase our sense of Humor ?

One thing people overlook when they want to be humorous is, you can not always be humorous.
Even the famous stand-up comedians work very hard to create a good content. Trust me, it is not a cake walk but it is not impossible though.
Based on my experiments to be humorous, these are the important things I learnt.
Steps to be Humorous:
Never always try to make a joke out of everything. If you do so, you will become a joke.
The joke has only a 30% impact and the rest depends on how the person delivers it. Delivering a joke is an art, one needs to practice. Facial expression plays a key role.
Developing a joke is another important thing which is always overlooked. People are not big fans of one line jokes.
You have to make a chain from that single joke and take it forward like a story. Also, you should focus on the art of story telling.
Never laugh while you are joking, it is others role to laugh.
Keep the joke very simple to comprehend.
Don’t give out the joke all at once. Reveal it like secret revealed in movies.
Enact the joke with funny actions that sync with the words you utter.
When you find funny people who can easily make others laugh, notice thoroughly how it is being done but don’t copy them. It may suit them but surely not you. Every one is humorous in their own style. Discover your own style and work on it.
Also, don’t overuse phrases like “Just kidding” “I’m just joking”. Be confident about your Humour.
Never make fun of anyone just to create humour that hurts others feelings and gradually people will stop finding you funny.
Make fun of yourself sometimes(Not all the time). It always works.
Tell people, how dumb you used to be in the past. People love laughing at others foolishness.
Humour is like a woman, very sensitive and unpredictable. Play safe.
